Chromebook Initiative: 1 to 1 District
Elementary Chromebook Agreement
HS Chromebook Agreement
This form must be signed by both a Parent / Legal Guardian and the student before a Chromebook can be taken home
MS Chromebook Agreement
This form must be signed by both a Parent / Legal Guardian and the student before a Chromebook can be issued
Network Acceptable Use
This form must be signed by the student before they will be allowed access to the school district's network
Chromebook Offline Editing. Documentation for setting up offline editing for those students that do not have Internet access at home:
Google Apps for Education (GAFE)Home page for the GAFE Suite of tools
Google Apps for Education Common Questions A list of frequently asked questions and answers regarding Google Apps for education
Google Apps Privacy & Security Information Information regarding the privacy and security of your student's data on the Google Apps platform
Google Chromebooks for Education Information regarding the use of Google Chromebooks for Education