Media Services
Mission Statement:
In order to be successful in the classroom and in life, students must be information literate and technologically savvy. It is the duty of the media centers and its staff to help students develop these skills they will need to be successful in the classroom and in their future career.
Library Staff:
Trent Roberts, Middle and High School Media Services Teacher and District Librarian
Tammy Laughlin, Elementary Media Services Teacher and Librarian
Zachary Brooks, High School Library Assistant
Peggy Burns, Middle School Library Assistant
Have a question about the media centers and their services?
Need some help conducting a research project with your students?
Want to introduce a piece of technology to your students in a class unit or lesson?
Looking for a teacher to collaborate with on an activity?
Desire some Professional Development?
You should contact:
Mr. Roberts for Grades 9 - 12:
Mrs. Laughlin for Grades K - 5:
The one stop shop for all your educational needs